mystery games
Uncover secrets in a world woven with enigmas, where every clue unearths new questions and mysteries.

Delta Green
In Delta Green, players assume the roles of agents working for a secret government organization tasked with investigating and combating supernatural t...
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing

Kids on Bikes
Kids on Bikes is a tabletop role-playing game that transports players to small towns filled with big mysteries. Set in a nostalgic era reminiscent of ...
Publisher: Renegade Game Studios

Call of Cthulhu
In Call of Cthulhu, players assume the roles of investigators delving into mysteries involving eldritch horrors, ancient deities, and forbidden knowle...
Publisher: Chaosium

Monster of the Week
Monster of the Week is a tabletop role-playing game powered by the Apocalypse engine, where players take on the roles of monster hunters in a world fi...
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
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