Down the Road Through the End of the World
Through the end of the world runs an old, dying road / to a place where they say all the rivers once flowed...
No one really knows how it happened. All we know is that it did. The world as everyone knew it ended, civilization collapsed and civility along with it, necessities became gold, violence became law, and survivors inherited the earth. Whatever’s left of the world since then is all we’ve got to live with. And this new world? It ain’t kind. Not in the slightest.
Some say there’s a haven somewhere out there. A good place, a safe place. A place the apocalypse didn’t touch. Maybe you believe that, maybe you don’t, but for one reason or another, that’s where you and these other folks are all headed. Hope is a dangerous thing in a dangerous world. It can strip you down to nothing if you aren’t careful. But everyone, no matter what, know’s survival alone just ain’t enough. Hope is what feeds the parts of you food can’t touch. Hope is everything. Hope is all anyone has left.
You’re gonna get to this haven if it kills you. Be careful—it just might.
Down the Road Through the End of the World is a tabletop role-playing game about a desperate journey through a post-apocalyptic world. It is a highly narrative game that uses Meguey and Vincent Baker’s Otherkind Dice system, which is used in Meguey’s (amazing and very fun!) game PSI*RUN, along with other games.